HTML 5 Editors

You can use many editors Paid As Well As Free:-

1. Notepad (Free) By Microsoft [OS-Windows]
2. Notepad ++(Free)
3. Dreamweaver(paid) By Adobe
4. Bracket (Free)
5. Sublime Text
6.TextEdit [os-mac]

How to start Html Coding And Run?

Step 1:

Open your operating system editor. Or Download notepad ++ Free and install it .

Step 2:

Then start HTML coding

For Example :-

 <title> SP3hub</title>
 <h1> this is heading </h1>


Step 4:

After Complete Coding Now save Your File By .html Extention

Example : Demo.html

HINT: Save your file at the desktop to find out easily

Step 5:

Run your file from where are you Save it

Right Click On file And open with web Browsers Like: Internet Explorer , Crome , Firefox && Safari etc
