PHP Setup

What Is a WAMP, MAMP, or LAMP?

WAMP, MAMP, and LAMP are abbreviations for “Windows, Apache, MySQL, and
PHP,” “Mac, Apache, MySQL, and PHP,” and “Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP.” These
abbreviations describe a fully functioning setup used for developing dynamic Internet
web pages. Install PHP Setup On windows( Local Server) is a very basic simple as well as easy way.

WAMPs, MAMPs, and LAMPs come in the form of a package that binds the bundled
programs together so that you don’t have to install and set them up separately. This
means you can simply download and install a single program, and follow a few easy
prompts, to get your web development server up and running in the quickest time with
a minimum hassle.

During installation, several default settings are created for you. The security configu‐
rations of such an installation will not be as tight as on a production web server because
it is optimized for local use. For these reasons, you should never install such a setup as
a production server.

But for developing and testing websites and applications, one of these installations
should be entirely sufficient

If you choose not to go the WAMP/MAMP/LAMP route for build‐
ing your own development system, you should know that down‐
loading and integrating the various parts yourself can be very timeconsuming
and may require a lot of research in order to configure
everything fully. But if you already have all the components in‐
stalled and integrated with one another, they should work with the
examples in this book.


Install PHP Setup On Windows Computer ( Local Server ).

  1. Installing a WAMP on Windows, LAMP on Linux, MAMP on Mac and Xampp( works on Windows, Linux, and Mac).
  2. Installing a Browser on Windows ( ex: Chrome, Mozilla etc).
  3. Then, Run WAMP server and wait a few seconds
  4. now, open browser And type in URL ” localhost”.
  5. for more info watch a youtube video. on

How to First PHP script on WAMP or Install PHP Setup On Local Server?

  1. Install and open text editor (notepad++, Adobe Dreamweaver, sublime text etc)
  2. type this :  <?php  echo “Hello” ; ?>
  3. Then Save this as ” DEMO.php ” in local disk C > Wamp > www > Projectfolder > demo.php .
  4. now run WAMP and wait few seconds.
  5. open your web Browser ( Chrome).
  6. Type in URL: ”  localhost /projectfolder/demo.php”.
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